Specifications for the settings of the surge protector

May 23, 2022

The lightning protection specifications and standards have a detailed introduction to the installation and settings of the surge protector.

The main reference standards are GB50057-2010 Design Code for Lightning Protection of Buildings and GB50343-2012 "Technical Specifications for Lightning Protection of Electronic Information Systems in Buildings"

The standard requires that the first-level surge protector of the T1 test must be installed at the first level of the power distribution system, the impulse current is required to be ≥12.5kA, and the protection level Up≤2.5kV.

This one is a black letter requirement, which must be met. Therefore, when selecting a surge protector, the first distribution box after the high voltage of the transformer is changed to low voltage must be installed with a first-level surge protector of the T1 test.

Including the current lightning protection inspection company for lightning protection acceptance, this item is also a must-see. If a T2 test surge protector is installed in the main power distribution cabinet, it cannot pass the acceptance of a third-party lightning protection inspection agency.

After the first-level surge protector is the second-level protection. The second-level lightning protection can use a surge protector with a flow rate of 40~80kA for the T2 test waveform.

After the second level is the third level surge protection setting. The principle is to discharge layer by layer.

The power surge protector is basically configured like this. If it is a signal surge protector, it must be configured according to the actual situation on site.